Friday, August 3, 2012

Five Things...

This weeks five favorite things are...

I recently purchased a sticker booklet from Anthropologie, so of course being the curious gal that I am I looked up to brand!!  And let me tell you I'm obsessed!!  Hello...they have Scottie dog notecards!!

Package Exchange

I recently signed up to do my first package exchange!!  I signed up at Oh Hello Friend, if you want to watch for the next one she host!!  My partner did not disappoint!  I received my package today and was so excited!!  I will post more on this later, She should get hers today, I certainly hope I don't disappoint her : )

If is no secret if you know me, or follow me on pinterest, that I one day want to have my own shop!!  Well Pinterest offers so many pieces of inspiration.  Take this one for example!!  Come on, what's not to love!!

Vintage Goodies

It's also no secret that I am a Junkie collector.  I love stuff!!  I found these super old light bulbs last week at an antique store.  I am so obsessed and keep trying to find things to do with the ones I bought.  Here is the link to this necklace!!

Okay, I am allowed to have a silly favorite right??  I've loved these since the first time I tasted them!!  And I don't even like the candy bar, weird I know!!  But over the past few weeks, probably because I think its 200 degrees here, I can't stop eating them!!  I think I've gained 10 lbs!!

What are you in love with right now?  I'd love to hear about it!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you like all of your goodies! I had so much fun putting it all together. I haven't received mine yet, but I will check the mail in the morning, I can't wait!

    I LOVE Snickers ice cream bars. They sold them in my high school cafeteria and they were my weakness on hot days!
